
Karma Definite and the Indefinite

"Oh, good man! There are two kinds of karma, namely: definite and the indefinite. Of the karma that is definite, there are two kinds. One is that definite in result, and the other the definite in time. There can be cases where the result is definite and the time indefinite. When the causal relations conjoin, the result comes about in the Three Times of the present, the next life, or later lives.

Oh, good man! When one does good or evil with a settled mind, one gains a believing mind and joy. And one takes a vow or makes offerings to the Three Treasures. This is a definite action.

One who is wise is persistent in good deeds and cannot be demoted. Because of this, the grave actions turn out to be light. One who is ignorant is persistent in evil. Because of this, any light action turns out to be grave [in consequences] and calls forth a grave return. This is why all actions are not called definite."

Read More on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 38 - On Bodhisattva Lion's Roar 6.

karma definite and the indefinite.mp3

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