
First Kind of People

"Oh good man! It's the same situation with the great river of birth and death, too. These are the seven kinds of people: "

First Kind of People.

"As they fear the thieves of defilement, they make up their minds and wish to cross the great river of birth and death. They abandon their homes, shave their heads and wear priestly robes. Having renounced their homes, they associate with evil friends, follow their teachings, and give ear to their doctrines, which state: 'The human body is the five skandhas. The five skandhas are nothing more than the five great elements. When a person dies, he ends up with the five great elements. When he breaks with the five elements, why does he any longer need to practice good or evil? For this reason, one must know that there can be no karmic retribution of good or evil.’ Such a person is an icchantika. It is uprooted from good and evil. Uprooted from good, he sinks into the waters of birth and death and is unable to get out. Why? Due to the great weight of evil deeds, and by he does not to possess the power of faith. He is like the first of those people on the banks of the river Ganges."

Read more on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 39, on Bodhisattva Lion's Roar 7.

first kind of people.mp3

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