
The Void as ‘Not-Is’ – Nirvana

The Buddha said: “Oh good man! You can say that Nirvana does not fall within the category of the Three Times and thus is Void. But this is not so. Why not? 'Nirvana is an existence, something visible, that which is true, matter, the footprint, the sentence and the word, that which is, characteristics, the by-cause, the refuge which one takes, quietude, light, peace, and the other shore’. That is why we can say that it does not fall within the category of the Three Times. With the nature of the Void, there is nothing like that. That's why we say 'not-is'. If there were anything other than this (a 'not-is'), we could certainly say that it falls into the category of the Three Times. If the Voidness were a thing of 'is', it could not be other thing than of category of the Three Times."

Read More on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 42 - On Bodhisattva Kasyapa 3.

the void as not-is nirvana.mp3

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