
Pearls of Universe - Volume XVII

"A wise person thinks deeply about the world. It sees: 'It is not a place to take refuge in, to gain Emancipation, quietness, love, it is not the other shore, and has nothing of the Eternal, Bliss, the Self, and the Pure. If I greedily pursue the world, how can I segregate myself from it? This is like a man who, abhorring the darkness, seeks the light, and yet, turns back again into the darkness. The darkness is the world, the light is the Supramundane. If I adhere to the world, I shall plunge into the darkness and take away from light. Darkness is ignorance, and light is the Brightness of Wisdom. The cause of the brightness of Wisdom is the image where one does not feel any expectation of delight in worldly things. All greed is nothing more than the bond of defilement. Now I shall avidly seek the light of Wisdom, and not the world'. The wise person meditates thus. This is the image where one does not seek (anything) for one's own self."

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Pearls of Universe - Volume XVII.


THE TREASURE HOUSE .............................................. 3
FROM ROOT UP TO THE ULTIMATE ........................ 7
THE TOUCH OF BRIGHTNESS ................................... 9
FROM FEELING UP TO ATTAINMENT ..................... 9
THE COARSE MEDITATION ......................................11
THE MINUTE MEDITATION ...................................... 13
THE BRIGHTNESS OF WISDOM ............................... 14
MOMENTARY EXTINCTION ..................................... 15
CONVERSION OF VASISTHA ................................... 17
THE VIRTUES OF VASISTHA ..................................... 18
SELF PHANTOM .......................................................... 19
PRIDE ............................................................................. 21
THE TWO SIDES AND THE IN-BETWEEN ................ 22
WHY SUBDUE THE MIND ........................................... 23

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