

“What is death? By death is meant the relinquishing of the carnal body which to one has been given. There are two kinds of relinquishing of the body which one has received, which are: 1) death through the expiration of life [i.e., the life naturally coming to an end] and 2) death from external causes. In the death through the expiration of life, there are three kinds, which are: 1) end of life which, however, is not the end of fortune, 2) end of fortune which, however, is not the end of life, 3) end of both fortune and life. There are three kinds of death from external causes, which are: 1) unnatural suicide, 2) death caused by others, and 3) the death of both causes. Also, there are three kinds of death, which are: 1) death from indolence, 2) death from violating the precepts, and 3) death from eradication the roots of life. What is death from indolence? If one slanders the Mahayana-Vaipulya-Prajnaparamita, this is death from indolence. What is death from violating the precepts? When one infringes the prohibitions declared by the Buddhas of the past, present and future, this is (death from) violation the precepts. What is death from eradication the roots of life? Forsaking the body of the five skandhas is death from eradication of the roots of life. This is why we say that death is a great suffering.”

Read More on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 19 - On Holy Actions 1.

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