
See What We Have in Common

"Oh, good man! All existences come about through causal relations and become extinct through causal relations. Oh, good man! If it is true that all beings possess the Buddha Nature within them, it will be like in my own case, where I have the Buddha-Body now. The Buddha Nature of all beings is unbreakable, indestructible, can not be taken, can not be grasped, can not be arrested or tied. It's like space, which is also in all beings. All beings possess it. As there is nothing that hinders, one does not see this void. If beings did not have this void, there could not be any going, coming, walking, standing, sitting or reclining, and there could not be birth and growing up. This is why I say in this Sutra that beings have the void. The world of void corresponds to voidness. It's the same with the Buddha Nature of all beings, too. The Bodhisattva of the tenth abode can see this somewhat. It is like the vajra-aksa.

Oh, good man! The Buddha Nature of beings is what all Buddhas can see, it is not what Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas can know. All beings do not see the Buddha Nature. This is why they are all bound by defilement and recycle births and deaths. When one sees the Buddha Nature, no bonds of defilement can tie it (more). The Emancipation comes, and that person attains Great Nirvana."

Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 34, on Bodhisattva Lion's Roar 2.

see what we have in common.mp3

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