
The Virtue of the Name

The Bodhisattva Kasyapa said to the Buddha: "Oh World Honored One! How must this sutra be called? How should the Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas protect and uphold this sutra?"

The Buddha said to Kasyapa: "The name of this sutra should be 'Mahaparinirvana'. The preceding word (maha) betokens 'good', the middle word (pari) also 'good', and the final word (Nirvana) 'good' too. The meaning [of this sutra] is extremely deep, and what is written [in it] is good. The pureness of its organization is perfect, its action is pure, and it is all-satisfactory as Adamantine Treasury-House. Listen well, listen well! I shall now speak. Oh good man! The word 'maha' betokens 'eternal'. This is like all the great rivers draining into the great ocean. The same happens with this sutra. It crushes out all the bonds of illusions, all the powers of Mara, and then body and life drain into 'Mahaparinirvana'. Hence we say 'Mahaparinirvana'. Oh good man! This is like the case of a doctor who has a secret treatment embracing all the medical treatments for illnesses. Oh good man! It is the same with the Tathagata. All the various wonderful doctrines taught and all its deep meanings hidden find their way into this 'Mahaparinirvana'. That is why we say Mahaparinirvana. Oh good man! It's like a farmer who sows seeds in spring. He entertains a rare wish. When he has finished the harvesting, all his anxiety will end. Oh good man! The same is the case with all beings. If we study other sutras, we always wait for beautiful tastes. When one hears this Mahaparinirvana, [however], ceases the desire to enjoy the beautiful tastes mentioned in other sutras. This Great Nirvana well enables all beings to cross the sea of all existences. Oh good man! Of all footprints, that of the elephant is the best. The same happens with this sutra. Of all the samadhis of the sutras, the (samadhi) of this sutra is the best. Oh good man! Of all the preparations of the field, that done in autumn is the best. The same happens with this sutra. It is the best of all sutras. It is like sarpirmanda, which is the best of all medicines. It heals thoroughly the feverish worries and the frantic thoughts of beings. This Great Nirvana is the foremost of all. Oh good man! It is like the sweet butter which contains the eight tastes. The same also applies to this sutra. It contains the eight tastes. What are the eight? They are: 1) it is eternal, 2) it always is, 3) it is peaceful, 4) it is pure and cool, 5) it does not become old, 6) it does not die, 7) it is taintless, and 8) it is pleasing and happy. These are the eight tastes. It possesses these eight tastes. This is why we say 'Mahaparinirvana'. Now, all Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas peacefully abide in this and manifest Nirvana in all places. This is why we say 'Mahaparinirvana'. Oh Kasyapa! All good men and women who wish to enter Nirvana through this 'Mahaparinirvana' must study well the fact that the Tathagata is eternal and that the Dharma and Sangha are eternal."

Read More on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 6 - On the Virtue of the Name.

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