“Oh, good man! You say that if all beings possess the Buddha Nature, how could there be any retrogression and non- retrogression? Listen carefully, listen carefully! Now, I shall explain to you in minute detail.
Oh, good man! If a Bodhisattva Mahasattva have 13 things, there is retrogression. What are these 13? They are: 1) the mind does not believe, 2) the mind will not do, 3) the mind is doubtful, 4) is stingy with bodily actions and with wealth, 5) entertains great fear towards Nirvana, doubting whether one could eternally leave the worldly existence, 6) has no mental forbearance [patience, endurance], 7) the mind will not adjust and soften itself, 8) apprehension and worry, 9) lack of happiness, 10) indolence, 11 ) contempt of himself, 12) deems that there is no means to excise the defilement, and 13) do not desires the Enlightenment. Oh, good man! These are the 13 factors that lead the Bodhisattva to retrogress from Enlightenment.”
Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 34, on Bodhisattva Lion's Roar 2.
thirteen factors leading to retrogression of the bodhisattva.mp3