
Response to Gislene Macedo

Gislene wrote:

"In the post - The Void as 'Not-Is' - Element – there is this part that worries me: "Oh good man! I never quarrel with the world. Why not? If the worldly knowledge says 'is', I say 'is'; if the worldly knowledge says 'not-is', I also say 'not-is'." It is there that twine myself because, how so this acceptance?"

The Sutra says the following:

Bodhisattva Kasyapa said to the Buddha: "Oh World Honored One! You, the Buddha, say that one says 'is' if the worldly knowledge says 'is', and if the worldly knowledge says 'not-is', one says 'not-is'. But what comes to be 'is' and 'not-is' of worldly knowledge?"

The Buddha said: "Oh good man! This is like when the world says: 'The matter is non-eternal, suffering, void, and non-Self', and things go thus down to consciousness. Oh good man! This is what the worldly knowledge says it's an 'is', and I, also, say it's an 'is'. Oh good man! The worldly knowledge says that matter has nothing of the Eternal, Bliss, the Self and the Pure. So it is said about feeling, perception, volition, and consciousness. Oh good man! This is where the worldly knowledge says 'not-is'. I, also, say 'not-is'."

Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 42 - On Bodhisattva Kasyapa 3.

The Buddha says: "It's like when ...", indicating that this is an example. So, I think that these words of the Buddha, above, refer to the aspect of ‘Zeal for the Wonderful Dharma’. There are other 9 (nine) selected issues regarding to ‘Do not Quarrel with the World’, and these are in the post: "Like the Utpala - The Blue Lotus”.

In the post "The Quality of Those Who Asks" one reads: "Also, there are two further types of people. One asks about what is difficult; and the other answers well. You're the kind of person who asks well about what is difficult; the Tathagata is one who answers well. Oh, good man! Through these questions well placed, there can be the turning of the Wheel of Dharma, the killing of the great tree of the 12 links of causation, the passage of people across the vast ocean of birth and death, the good fight against the King Marapapiyas, and the overthrow of victorious banner of Papiyas."

So Gislene, thanks for asking.

response to gislene macedo.mp3

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