Middle Path
"Oh good man! Beings do not understand the Middle Path. Sometimes they understand it, and at other times they do not. Oh good man! In order that beings can know, I say that the Buddha-Nature is neither within nor without. Why? Common beings say that the Buddha-Nature is the five skandhas, as though it were contained in a vessel. Or they say that it exists outside the skandhas, as in the Void. That is why the Tathagata says Middle Path. The Buddha-Nature which beings possess is neither the six sense-organs, nor the six sense-fields. Inside and outside come together. So we say Middle Path. That is why the Tathagata says that the Buddha-Nature is none other than the Middle Path. As it is neither within nor without, it is the Middle Path."
Read More on the Nirvana Sutra - Chapter 41 – On the Bodhisattva Kasyapa 2.
abstract of nirvana sutra chapter 41.mp3
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