The hindrances of defilement are greed, hatred, ignorance and
anger at what is unpleasant, the illusion that overshadows the mind, thus hindering the good to shoot out its buds;
[the hindrances
are also] burning worry, jealousy, stinginess, cheating, flattery, not feeling ashamed of one's own self, not feeling ashamed of others, pride,
pride-inordinate, simulative pride, pride
of self-esteem, pride of self, distorted pride,
arrogance, indolence, self-importance,
mutual resentment, arguing (dispute, controversy), wrong living, flattering,
cheating using
different appearances, pursuing profit by profit, seeking things through wrong ways, seeking a lot, lacking respect, not observing the
injunctions, and associating with bad friends.
There is no end to the pursuit of profit, to entwine and bind one's own self, so that all becomes difficult to understand. A person abides in evil desires and greed. A person is greedily intentioned based on heretical views of life regarding his carnal existence, the visions of 'is' and 'not-is’ of life; a person utters a groan or is pleased to doze, yawns or is not satisfied, or eats greedily; his mind is weak and thinks about strange things, does evil with body and takes pleasure in talking much, and all his sense organs are dark, it talks too much and is always overshadowed by the senses such as greed, anger and harming. These are the hindrances of defilement.
The hindrances [which arise] from deeds [karma] are the five deadly sins and the grave diseases.
The hindrances from karmic retribution give one life in the realms of hell, animals, hungry pretas, also in slandering of Wonderful Dharma, and the icchantika. These are the hindrances from retribution.
There is no end to the pursuit of profit, to entwine and bind one's own self, so that all becomes difficult to understand. A person abides in evil desires and greed. A person is greedily intentioned based on heretical views of life regarding his carnal existence, the visions of 'is' and 'not-is’ of life; a person utters a groan or is pleased to doze, yawns or is not satisfied, or eats greedily; his mind is weak and thinks about strange things, does evil with body and takes pleasure in talking much, and all his sense organs are dark, it talks too much and is always overshadowed by the senses such as greed, anger and harming. These are the hindrances of defilement.
The hindrances [which arise] from deeds [karma] are the five deadly sins and the grave diseases.
The hindrances from karmic retribution give one life in the realms of hell, animals, hungry pretas, also in slandering of Wonderful Dharma, and the icchantika. These are the hindrances from retribution.
These three hindrances (defilements, deeds (karma) and retribution) are the evils. However, the
Bodhisattva, when practicing the Way through innumerable kalpas, dispensed medicines
for all illnesses and always vowed to release beings eternally from the grave illnesses of the
three hindrances.