
Craving is Like a Rakshasa Woman

“Why do we say that craving is like a rakshasa woman? Oh good man! As an example, there is a man who gains a rakshasa woman as his wife. The rakshasa woman gives birth to a child. But after it is born, she devours it. Having devoured it, she also devours her own husband. Oh good man! The rakshasa woman of craving is also like this. All beings gain good children. But, as they are born, are devoured. When the good child is devoured, the craving devours beings (themselves) and gives them life in the realms of hell, animals, and hungry ghosts. Only the Bodhisattva is an exception. This is why we say 'as in the case of a rakshasa woman'.”

Read More on the Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 20 - On Holy Actions 2.

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