
Why We Practice

“Oh, good man! The practice of Shila [precepts of morality] is for the quietness of our own body. The practice of Samadhi is for the quietness of our own mind. The practice of Wisdom is for crushing out doubt. To crush out doubt is to practice the Way. Practice the Way is to see the Buddha Nature. See the Buddha Nature is to attain unsurpassed Enlightenment. Attain unsurpassed Enlightenment is to arrive at unsurpassed Great Nirvana. Arrive at Great Nirvana is to segregate all beings from birth and death, all defilements, all [worldly] existences, all realms, all truths of beings. Cut off [these] births and deaths, and satya [presumably ‘worldly truths’] is to attain the Eternal, Bliss, the Self and the Pure."

Nirvana Sutra, Chapter 36, on Bodhisattva Lion's Roar 4.

why we practice.mp3

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